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影响苹果设计的德国大师:狄艾特(Dieter Rams)的精简哲学

这次给大家分享的是UIWEEK NO.6上的一篇经典的文章——影响苹果设计的德国大师:狄艾特(Dieter Rams)的精简哲学,其中十条设计理念,句句经典,字字珠玑,它们会让我们的设计由繁至简,并且能从更深层次的角度去思考设计与功能,请滚动鼠标开始预览吧!

影响苹果设计的德国大师:狄艾特(Dieter Rams)的精简哲学

1. Good Design is innovative,It does not copy existing product forms, nor doesit produce any kind of novelty for the sake of it.The essence of innovation must be clearly seen inall functions of a product. The possibilities in thisrespect are by no means exhausted. Technologicaldevelopment keeps offering new chances for inno-vative solutions.
1. 好设计是创新的它不会复制现有的产品形式,也没有因为生产资料的限制而在发展上有所保留。而创新的本质,则需要能够清楚地让人看到一个产品所包含的功能利益。在这方面的可能性是无限的,科技发展为创新的解决方案提供了新的机遇。

影响苹果设计的德国大师:狄艾特(Dieter Rams)的精简哲学

2. Good Design makes a product useful,A product is bought in order to be used. It mustserve a defined purpose-in both primary and ad-ditional functions. The most important task of de-sign is to optimise the utility of a product.
2. 好的设计创造好用的产品很明显,我们购买产品的终极目的是为了使用——满足基本功能和附加功能(如审美)。设计中最重要的任务是优化产品的效用。

影响苹果设计的德国大师:狄艾特(Dieter Rams)的精简哲学

3. Good Design is aestheticThe aesthetic quality of a product-and the fascina-tion it inspires-is an integral part of the its utility.Without doubt, it is uncomfortable and tiring tohave to put up with products that are confusing,that get on your nerves, that you are unable to re-late to. However, it has always been a hard task toargue about aesthetic quality, for two reasons.Firstly, it is difficult to talk about anything visual,since words have a different meaning for differentpeople.Secondly, aesthetic quality deals with details, sub-tle shades, harmony and the equilibrium of awhole variety of visual elements. A good eye is required, schooled by years and years of experience,in order to be able to draw the right conclusion.
3. 好的设计是符合审美的一种产品的审美素质—即拥有独特魅力的激发点—是其机能性不可分割的组成部分。毫无疑问,人们对不舒适的使用体验、复杂而难以忍受的功能、莫名其妙的产品肯定会神经敏感产生抵触。更无法将他们联系在一起。可是即便如此,“审美”却始终是一个艰巨的任务,单独割裂地谈讲所谓“审美”更容易陷入了无休的争论。这中间有两个原因:首先,视觉感受无法一概而论,因为对于每个人它有不同的解读。其次,美感包含复杂的互动细节,如:微妙的色彩、整体的和谐、视觉元素的各种平衡。得到一个“对”的标准,需要一个好眼光,这可以由多年经验积累,亦可通过专业教育培训而来。

影响苹果设计的德国大师:狄艾特(Dieter Rams)的精简哲学

4. Good Design helps a product be understoodIt clarifies the structure of the product. Better still,it can make the product talk. At best, it is self-ex-planatory and saves you the long, tedious perusalof the operating manual.
4. 好的设计帮助用户理解产品它阐明了产品结构。更好的是,它可以使产品自己说话。最好的情况下,它是不言自明的功能暗示,为您节省了漫长而又繁琐的说明书阅读时间。

影响苹果设计的德国大师:狄艾特(Dieter Rams)的精简哲学

5. Good Design is unobtrusiveProducts that satisfy this criterion are tools. Theyare neither decorative objects nor works of art.Their design should therefore be both neutral andrestrained leaving room for the user’s self-ex-pression.
5. 好设计是谦虚的符合此标准的产品才能有资格被称之为“工具”。“工具”既不是装饰品,也不是艺术品。因此,“工具”设计必须中立与克制,需要留给用户自我表现的空间。

影响苹果设计的德国大师:狄艾特(Dieter Rams)的精简哲学

6. Good Design is honestAn honestly-designed product must not claim fea-tures it does not have-being more innovative,more efficient, of higher value. It must not influ-ence or manipulate buyers and users.
6. 好的设计是坦诚的一个诚实设计的产品不能吹嘘自己无所不能—号称更创新,更高效,更有价值;它不能企图以此去影响或操纵买家和用户。

影响苹果设计的德国大师:狄艾特(Dieter Rams)的精简哲学

7. Good Design is durableIt is nothing trendy that might be out-of-date to-morrow. This is one of the major differences be-tween well-designed products and trivial objectsfor a waste-producing society. Waste must nolonger be tolerated.
7. 好设计是持久的当下时髦的玩意儿明天可能就会过时。这是“精心设计的产品”和“因为微不足道的理由而生产出来的废物”的主要区别之一。“废物”是绝不能姑息的。

影响苹果设计的德国大师:狄艾特(Dieter Rams)的精简哲学

8. Good Design is thorough to the last detailThoroughness and accuracy of design are synony-mous with the product and its functions, as seenthrough the eyes of the user.
8. 好的设计由最终的细节决定以用户的视角,设计出拥有彻底终极性和高精准度的产品及功能。

影响苹果设计的德国大师:狄艾特(Dieter Rams)的精简哲学

9. Good Design is concerned with environmentDesign must contribute towards a stable environ-ment and a sensible use of raw materials. Thismeans considering not only actual pollution, butalso the visual pollution and destruction of ourenvironment.
9. 好设计关注环境好设计必须有助于促成环境保护,好设计必须合理地利用原材料。这意味着,不仅考虑到生产后的实际污染,而且要照顾到对视觉的污染和原材料对环境的破坏。

影响苹果设计的德国大师:狄艾特(Dieter Rams)的精简哲学

10. Good Design is as little design as possible Back to purity, back to simplicity.
10. 好的设计是“没有”设计回归纯粹,制造精简。

苹果设计师Jonathan Ive的设计哲学:Jonathan Ive指出好的设计是由三个要素组成。

关于设计流程(process)——Ive称之为“设计工艺”(the craft of design),他有两点建议:
1. 设计师只能将注意力集中在最重要的事情上,为此非常有必要限制项目的数量。
2. 设计师对一个产品如何被制造出来应该有深刻的理解:使用的原材质、制作加工时使用的工具、产品设计的用意。




